I though this was worth sharing.

Here is the source of this comic http://xkcd.com/538/
Check out the xkcd.com
I though this was worth sharing.
Here is the source of this comic http://xkcd.com/538/
Check out the xkcd.com
I was looking through some old CDs and found a backup of the WAFL website from early 2004. My brother and I created and maintained the West Australian Football League (WAFL) website from 2002 – march 2004. I’ve got some great memories of back then so I’ve decided to lauch it again – as is (uncut).
Continue reading “WAFL website”
This isn’t particularly hard but just thought I’d share it because my usual method of creating a GNU/Linux live USB using the program UNetbootin didn’t work with Kali Linux.
I used the GNU/Linux command dd.
My iso file was named kali-linux-1.0.8-i386.iso and it was in my home folder i.e. ~/ and my USB device name was /dev/sdf
sudo dd if=~/kali-linux-1.0.8-i386.iso of=/dev/sdf
This worked perfectly for me.
Here is some video from the Super 8s Lightning Carnival.
This was our final game v Canning Vale. Thanks very much to Tim for taking this video. I will post more of this match I just haven’t finished editing it all yet.
This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Here is some video from the Super 8s Lightning Carnival.
This was our second game v East Fremantle. Thanks very much to Tim for taking this video.
This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Here is some video from the Super 8s Lightning Carnival.
This was our first game v Willetton. Thanks very much to Tim for taking this video.
This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
There are a lot of options if you want to store your files online (in the cloud) for free (free as in money not necessarily freedom). I’ve put together a list of the services I’m aware of and have used myself but this list will not be exhaustive. You can use these services as an off-site backup or for an easy way to share your files with family and friends.
Some of these services such as Google Drive and Zoho are online office suites which enable you to actually create and edit documents in your web browser. Also some services such as Flickr and YouTube will only store certain file types, for example Flickr will only store photos and YouTube only videos.
This list is in no particular order.
Free Storage | |
Dropbox | 2 GB |
Mega | 50 GB |
Google Drive | 15 GB |
OneDrive | 7 GB |
Amazon Cloud Drive | 5 GB |
MediaFire | 10 GB |
Box | 10 GB |
Copy | 15 GB |
Zoho | 5 GB |
Bitcasa | 10 GB |
Flickr | 1 TB |
YouTube | unlimited |
The last Tuesday training session for the season. The weather was excellent, sunny, dry and no wind. Very good turn out of 17 players for training. We had a couple of new faces in Blake and Geordie from the Year 2s training with us and they’ll play for us in the Lightning Carnival. Jared’s brother Matthew who has trained with us several times before will also be a welcome addition to the team on Sunday. The only players missing from training were Caleb and Cambell.
This was definitely the best training session for the year in all areas, skill level, intensity, attitude and behaviour. When you feel good after training you know it’s been a good session.
With one week remaining we thought we would take a time out from the football and have some fun at Bounce. It was enjoyable to have some free time to relax and chat with the parents.
There were only two players missing, Kevin and Alex who were already committed to something else and couldn’t attend. We had a bit of a mixture of boys who had been to Bounce before and some who hadn’t. I think it would be fair to say that everyone had a good work out and a lot of fun judging by all of the red and sweaty faces.
After Bounce about half of the team went across the road to Macca’s to finish off the session with a Happy Meal. Jared found some sunglasses so he was pretty happy.
Lightning carnival next week to finish the season off, so one last week of training coming up.