After Laura Poitras received encrypted emails from someone with information on the government’s massive covert-surveillance programs, she and reporter Glenn Greenwald flew to Hong Kong to meet the sender, who turned out to be Edward Snowden.
Category: Movies
The Killing of America
This is a pretty disturbing documentary. It was made in 1981 and I can remember watching it probably a year or two later. I’ve never forgotten some of the images. It’s really weird how the issues that it raised 38 years ago have never been addressed and they’re still causing big problems now – to be honest things have got worse.
It’s a documentary worth watching but you won’t enjoy it.
The Killing of America full documentary.
Hacktivist documentaries
Here are some good documentaries relating to hacktivist activities and some pretty interesting people.
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz on YouTube.
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz on PeerTube.
Deep Web on YouTube.
Deep Web on Internet Archive.
The Hacker Wars on YouTube.
The Hacker Wars on Internet Archive.
Nothing to Hide on PeerTube.
We Are Legion
A documentary on the workings and beliefs of the self-described “hacktivist” collective, Anonymous.
Night of the Living Dead
This movie is a classic (classic zombie movie).
The Pirate Bay doco
TPB AFK – The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard – watch it at Kino.Social.
Lenny the Lion
Josh’s film Lenny the Lion won Best Documentary and the People’s Choice award at the NEXT GEN Short Film Festival 2017.
Lenny the Lion from Josh Cable.

Documentary on Ross Ulbricht
A couple of new techie documentaries
Here are a couple of new documentaries I have watched and recommend.
I’ve just finished watching a pretty scary documentary called Terms and Conditions May Apply. It doesn’t necessary tell me something I didn’t already know or at the very least suspected but it still made me feel pretty sick.
I had already begun the process of deleting my data from my social networking accounts and closing them down. After watching this documentary it’s made me more determined to head down this path. The scary thing is my data probably won’t actually be deleted from these companies servers (who knows how long they will retain it for).
This is a must see – I definitely recommend this documentary to everyone.