Training was disrupted because we had team photos occurring half way through the session. It was great that we had all players at training (14) and everyone remembered to bring their match day jumper. Jared still doesn’t have one of the new match day jumpers but he was able to borrow a jumper for the photo.
We started training with a competitive one on one drill where the players had to compete for the football and then have a shot at the goals. Alex and Matthew were pretty serious in their pair – I don’t think they even noticed the football. Jensen and Jeremy seemed pretty evenly matched. Caleb and Dylan just kept giving free kicks away.
Steve gave the kids a good exercise where we placed all of the footballs into the goal square then two players had to kick the footballs out of he goal square the rest of the team retrieved the footballs and returned them to the goal square. The objective was for the two players to clear the goal square of all footballs before the footballs could be retrieved and returned to the goal square.
We were then called in for photos and I thought we were pretty well behaved.

After the photo shoot we returned to training for some match practice. Ethan and Jayden played really well, I was impressed by their quick and accurate handballing. Dylan was the star of the match kicking three very clever goals. Jensen was very aggressive and competitive, he’s very strong at the football which is great to see. Cambell was energetic as usual and he’s getting really good at being able to run and carry the ball and shrug off tackles. Very pleased to see Nathan get a few contested possessions, he’s looking more confident. Jordan is improving, using his strength to get around players and then kicking or handballing to team mates. Luke, Alex, Jared and Caleb (with his orange t-shirt) were all solid. Kobe took a number of solid marks while playing defensively. It’s great having Kevin around because he doesn’t care about his size, he absolutely has no fear he just dives in for the football and tackles the bigger kids.
Good session and looking forward to the game v Canning Vale on Sunday.